Leadership & LifeĀ Coaching

Get Clear. Take Action. Get Results.


Discover the "Metamorphosis Difference" with our proven, signature five step client breakthrough system. 


The "Metamorphosis Difference"

Some call it INSANITY -- doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. 

We encourage you to try something new. If you are ready for a fresh start, a new way of looking at things, a vision for your future, and to live a life you LOVE … look no further.

Our signature 5 step client breakthrough system will guide you on how to create the results in your life and leadership you desire. 

This proven, systematic coaching process reveals the best place for you to begin to bring clarity and breakthrough in your life in an Easy-To-Understand Step-By-Step way!

Small business owners have used it to DOUBLE THEIR BUSINESS in one year.

Professionals have used it to get clarity, improve confidence and enhance their leadership & communication skills in just a few sessions.

Couples have used it to increase intimacy, peace, & harmony in their relationships in 6-12 months.


What Will You Use It For?

Our Leadership Coaching Is For Professionals Who:

  • Are growth oriented and open minded
  • Between 30-60 years old 
  • An emerging leader, supervisor, manager, or in director level positions
  • Want to communicate effectively and build relationships in the workplace, improve their leadership skills and team performance, or manage their teams better (see testimonials at the bottom of the page)

"Metamorphosis CCT's coaching increased my clarity, which allowed me to narrow down my goals, improve life balance and my ability to prioritize self-care. Coaching also helped me to get to the next level in my company by learning how and when to delegate task along with keeping me accountable to my goals. "

Sheena Kern
Maurices Manager

Effective Leadership & Communication Skills

Coaching is unique to you and your leadership needs and we help you to identify the right place to start

For some leaders, improving self-awareness by identifying their core values first helps to create a filter for decision making and next steps. 

Other leaders have specific problems (usually people related) that they would like to solve. They feel stuck, powerless, or uncertain on how they would even begin to resolve the issue and they need clarity first.

Some leaders clearly know what they want, but despite significant effort are still unable to achieve the result. They need a strategic, well-thought out action plan to help them get to where they want to go. 

Others have recently been promoted from a technical position to a client facing position requiring more soft skills.  However, they were never trained how to be successful in their role.

These leaders need to identify skill gaps first to be successful. The skills that made them successful before are different than the skills needed to be successful in their new position.  

Some leaders have a clear vision of what they want, the necessary skills, and even a plan to achieve it, but it's all in their head and they haven't been able to make any progress towards it. 

They talk about how other things always seem to pop up distracting them from moving forward with it, feeling overwhelmed and stressed, having a plate that is overflowing with multiple competing commitments, etc. 

These leaders need to work on optimizing their environments (there are three primary ones by the way) first to eliminate the unnecessary noise creating a barrier to moving forward. 

Others struggle with thoughts of doubt, self-judgement, criticism, fear, worry, or imposter syndrome.

It's the voice in the back of their mind that shows itself throughout day limiting them from developing their full potential as a leader.

Sometimes leaders tell us this shows up for them in their communication skills.

They feel like their responses are dreadful especially when they don't have time to prepare because they don't think quickly on their feet and it makes them sound uneducated.

This happens to them in both planned or unplanned presentations or in daily conversations at times.

These leaders need to refine some basic skills and master their leadership mindset first to unlock their potential. 

As you can see, there are many different scenarios and potential starting places to improve your leadership and life.

YOUR unique starting place will be discovered in your coaching session and it begins by claiming your FREE session (even if you're just curious).

Most leaders tell us they leave their coaching sessions focused, reenergized and inspired.

If you're still wondering if coaching would be a good fit for you, claim your FREE session NOW.

There's no obligation or risk and you can always change your mind.

During our conversation we can discuss if this is the right path for you or not.

If at the end of the call we both feel good about moving forward, we'll give you additional details. 

If not, we may refer you to someone else who could best serve you at this time. 

We go through applications on a first come, first serve basis, which is why it's important you save your spot in line by claiming your FREE session NOW.  

You will be put on a waitlist after filling out the application and contacted once we have availability.


Improve Confidence, Communicate Effectively, & Build Relationships In The WorkPlace

Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center all conclude that most of our success in life is directly related to our ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead.

Yet, countless leaders tell us they have trouble initiating and carrying on effective conversations, building workplace relationships, speaking with influence, or expressing themselves.

Sometimes they just lack the confidence in their ability to engage with people or present clearly to groups.

Others are seeking a promotion or want to improve team dynamics and some just want to learn how to communicate better with their employees.

Whatever you're searching for, our clients have told us getting coached and learning human behavioral principles and communication skills transformed their life (see testimonials below).

Although the solutions are simple and easy to apply, they require persistence, patience, and practice.

Consider this.

What would feel like to be able to walk into any room and know within minutes how to modify your communication to connect with and influence even complete strangers? 

This is could be your story and is absolutely possible for leaders who are willing to learn effective communication principles and human behavior. 

Unlike my wife (Nicole) who is a social butterfly, I've had to work really hard on my communication skills.  

In fact, at one point in my career I (Michael) became one complaint away from being fired.

I was exceptionally good at my job with a proven track record, but the results my patients were experiencing did not line up with this fact.

I'm an introverted engineer who became a physical therapist and my communication with people came off as cold and unsympathetic. 

My tendency to think things through and needing time to process information made it hard for some people to connect with me. 

It also caused others to think I was angry with them (facial expressions I had when thinking). 

My lack of being able to adapt my communication to others in a way they could receive it was a significant barrier to helping people achieve results.

I wanted to change, but didn't know what to do or how to get unstuck until I learned about coaching.

In just a few sessions, I discovered the hidden barrier preventing me from communicating effectively with certain groups of people.

After persistent effort improving my skills and being coached, everything began to change for me in the workplace AND at home.

I became more confident, influential in the workplace, and established high levels of trust with patients and leaders.

I was unanimously voted to lead a department.

Then I was placed in charge of developing and training new hires with communication and leadership principles.

The transformation didn't happen overnight and it required a lot of work, but the change was lasting.


What transformation will you create for yourself with our coaching services?


Life Coaching

Our Life Coaching Is For: 


  • Growth-oriented people
  • 30-60 years old
  • Who are feeling stuck and need clarity on their next steps, want to improve their relationships, or are going through a life transition (Career Shift, Stay-At-Home Parent To Working, Navigating Life After Divorce, etc). See testimonials at the bottom of the page.

"Life coaching was a game changer. I identified my core values and made some big changes in my life to align my life with my values. I had no idea why I felt stuck in my life. Once I identified my core values it was SO obvious what areas of my life needed changing. The changes included joining Crossfit (going on a full year now) and quitting my established job for a dream job (where I get to work with my husband). I designed my life and am no longer waiting for life to happen. It feels wonderful. If you feel stuck, you wonā€™t regret the time spent. Life coaching gave me my life back."

Kirsten, Duluth, MN
Physical Therapist

Feeling Stuck or Unfulfilled?

Eliminate stress, improve work-life balance, and enhance your sense of fulfillment

Are you pouring out to everybody, but forgetting to fill your own cup?

Do you dream of creating a life you love, but don’t know how make changes to make it happen?

Maybe you even feel guilty at the thought of it all?

Are you struggling with maintaining a positive mindset to persevere through the struggles?

Well, dreams aren't put in your heart to have you fail or be frustrated.

If other people are filling your calendar with their priorities, you may never get what you want.

It’s time to mix it up – do something fresh and new – and create a Life You LOVE!

It's possible, but you have to be willing to CHANGE and do something differently. 

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a change is called INSANITY.

Instead, get COACHED.

Coaching can help you achieve your goals and dreams and we love helping people get RESULTS!


Our life coaching will help you:

  • Create a crystal clear vision for the life you desire to live.
  • Uncover hidden challenges and limiting beliefs that may be keeping you stuck in a rut and stressed out.
  • Create a clear action plan to give you clarity about your next steps.


If you are tired of being exhausted, feeling unfulfilled, and thinking you will "do better tomorrow," or it will change after this next thing... 

Stop. Pause. Realize -- nothing will change until you take the steps to make it happen.

If you are ready to PRIORITIZE what’s truly important to you -- and to live a life that aligns with your VALUES -- one that you LOVE, it's time to GET COACHED! 

Busy doesn't mean productive. It's working on the right things that bring you results. 

Sometimes to get those results you need to pause -- RESET -- and do something NEW! 

Claim your FREE session Now to save your spot in line and to be put on a waitlist. 

Once we have an opening, we will reach out to you to schedule a call and go over your application answers. 

If at the end of the call we both feel good about moving forward, we'll give you additional details. 

If not, we may refer you to someone else who could best serve you at this time. 

So take action and claim your FREE session NOW to reserve your spot.

What Is A Coach?

What should I be looking for in a coach and what do they do exactly? Watch Our Channel 3 Interview Here.


Claim Your FREE session NOW to reserve YOUR spot today!



Want To Improve Your Relationships, Confidence, & Communication?

Get Clear. Take Action. Get Results.

Frequently Asked Questions

As professional coaches we adhere to the definitions and practices as set by the International Coach Federation, the gold standard for our industry.

We believe and practice that professional coaching is an, “on-going relationship to help people produce extraordinary results in their lives, career, businesses or organizations.”

Through the coaching process people learn, grow, gain greater self-awareness, improve performance, and quality of life.

A coach can help clients focus to get further faster in achieving their goals. A coach also holds the client accountable for the things they want to accomplish.

A coach’s job is to listen fully, ask powerful questions, offer reflection on what the client is saying, and help a client gain greater focus, clarity, and an awareness of their choices and possibilities.

In coaching we believe the client is whole, creative, and fully capable to come up with their own solutions because they know best what they need and want.

A coach facilitates a process for the client to think, explore, and hold a safe space for clients to come up with the possibilities for their own life. Most people never take time to think these through or to explore what they truly desire.


What coaching is NOT:

  • It is not counseling or looking at past issues.
  • It is not giving advice.
  • It is not having someone tell you what to do.


Our responsibility as a coach is to:

  • Help a client discover, clarify, and align with what you want to achieve.
  • Encourage self-discovery.
  • Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies.
  • Help a client realize where they are at, where they want to be, and identify action steps to get there.
  • Hold the client responsible and accountable.
  • Be a sounding board.
  • Creating supportive, growth-oriented atmosphere.


Coaching is a supportive, creative process.

During each coaching session the conversation is directed by the client, while the coach listens, and contributes their observations, and questions.

The goal is to help the client gain focus and clarity on a specific area, and for the client to clearly identify and understand, the steps they need to take to see results in the area they choose. The client determines if they are willing to do the necessary steps to get from where they are to where they want to be.

A coach can also provide accountability when the client commits to take the necessary action steps.

  • Step 1: Claim your FREE session and fill out a coaching application form.
  • Step 2: When we have availability, we will reach out to you by email to schedule a short call to go over your application. This will help us get to know you better and to determine if we’re a good fit for each other. If we are, we move to the next step. If not, we can offer you a referral to someone we feel would be more suited to your needs. We have an entire referral network of qualified coaches to offer our clients. Please be patient as it can take up to a few months to have availability.
  • Step 3: Schedule our coaching sessions and begin.

Coaching is about personal growth and self-discovery. Personal growth is something that happens from the inside out when we are challenged to step outside of our comfort zone. Coaching raises our level of self-awareness. It reveals self-defeating behaviors along with internal belief systems driving our behaviors and results in life.


The purpose of coaching is to empower YOU to learn how to create the life, family, or business of your dreams. Therefore, no one is telling you what to do or how to do it. The primary role of the coach is to facilitate you on the path of self-discovery and clarity.


Coaching will help you to:

  • Determine goals that align with your highest potential and values
  • Create a realistic plan to achieve those goals
  • Discover how you self-sabotage and barriers moving forward
  • Be accountable for achieving goals within a planned time frame. 



Consulting brings the expertise of the consultant into the mix. A consultant offers information, advice, brainstorming, problem solving, and training. A consultant can be a mentor or someone who performs the work for you. Consultants are brought in when you want to accomplish something you do not have the skills or knowledge to do yourself.


Here’s an example:

Let’s say you are a business owner or entrepreneur working on your task plan for next month. A coach might ask, “What tasks are the most important to complete in the next month in order to achieve your monthly goals?” encouraging you to set your own priorities. 

A consultant might say, “Here are a few things you will need to consider in order to achieve your monthly goals,” offering advice based on experience.

We are skilled at both and can give you the best of both worlds.

We make sure to give you the choice and to clarify each when we are working together.

You need our coaching if you want help:

  • Organizing your thoughts
  • Improving clarity and direction
  • Overcoming barriers, ruts, patterns, and self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Maintaining high motivation even in the face of difficulties
  • Creating a practical and effective plan
  • Being accountable to follow through

Common coaching themes include:


  • Direction in life
  • Next steps and how to move forward
  • Where and how to start
  • Your identity
  • Values/vision for future
  • Purpose (mission in life)
  • Goals
  • Priorities
  • Transition periods


Increasing self-confidence with:

  • Confronting others
  • Failing
  • Opinions of others
  • Tackling the unknown
  • Asking for what you need
  • Stating your needs
  • Setting boundaries



  • Self-awareness
  • Relationships

Yes, we have fired clients in a limited number of cases and for very specific reasons. We never fire clients without discussing the situation beforehand and giving a chance to remedy the problems. We do our best to qualify people for our coaching services to limit this from happening.

Reasons include:

  • Repeatedly not coming to the session prepared
  • Missing sessions without calling first
  • Habitually coming late to sessions
  • Not taking responsibility for their own decisions
  • Not taking action on their decisions
  • Not paying on time
  • Needing psychotherapy, not coaching or consulting

Yes, you will have a customized coaching action plan based on our signature 5 Step Client Breakthrough System, which is a proven, systematic way of achieving results.

We develop a step-by-step action plan together so you can wake up each morning knowing exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.

During your coaching we will:

  • Thoroughly understand and assesses your needs or challenge in this season of life.
  • Explore tools/strategies to best help you meet your desired outcomes.
  • Become clear on what success would look like for you in this situation.
  • Prioritize goals and put realistic timeframes on them.
  • Determine how we will know you’ve reached your goal (what can we measure).
  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities for achieving those goals.
  • Uncover potential barriers to your success and plan strategies to overcome and conquer those barriers.

It depends on what you're trying to achieve. We all know change takes time. Our experience demonstrates it takes the average person between 3 to 12 months to achieve significant, lasting, measurable change.

However, depending on the particular circumstance numerous clients have experienced dramatic insights and results in just a few sessions. 

We maintain client confidentiality to the full extent allowed by law. We honor the client’s confidence, and do not discuss our coaching sessions with others. Both parties agree to a foundation of honesty, trust, and respect. Your ultimate well-being is the central focus of the coaching relationship.

Coaching is about moving you towards your future, creating a life you love to live, and helping you achieve your goals. We do not focus on healing emotional pain or past emotional trauma, which is the focus of psychotherapy. Although we may talk about emotions during our sessions, we assume that you are capable of expressing and handling them on your own.

Because we do coaching virtually (phone, zoom, etc), we service the United States. Some corporate clients may prefer in-person coaching, which would incur travel and other expenses.

8am  - 5pm central time, Monday – Friday.

However, sometimes those times just won’t work.

Depending on the circumstance, we have met both early morning or late evenings with clients. 

Want To Improve Your Clarity, Confidence, & Next Steps?

Get Clear. Take Action. Get Results.


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Simply enter your email and fill out the application (takes less than 5 minutes).