Business Coaching For Service Businesses

Scale Your Business And Create A Profit Generating Machine



Why do some businesses thrive while others struggle year after year to make something happen?

Discover the "Metamorphosis Difference."

Our signature business breakthrough coaching system will guide you on how to create the results in your life and business you desire. 

This proven, systematic coaching process reveals the best place for you to begin to bring clarity and breakthrough in your business. 

Some of our clients have used it to DOUBLE THEIR BUSINESS and start additional successful ones this past year in the middle of a pandemic.

Other clients have used it to reduce employee turnover and improve customer retention by 600% when others in their industry were struggling to keep customers. 

Some have used it as a platform to scale their business. 


What Will You Use It For?

Our Business Coaching Is For Businesses:

  • In the service industry
  • Generating at least $200K in revenue per year
  • With fewer than 20 employees at any given location


See also FAQ below for more.


Our Business Breakthrough Coaching Program Will Help You: 

  • Create a crystal clear vision for your “ultimate business success” and the “perfect lifestyle” you would like your business to provide.
  • Uncover hidden challenges and limiting beliefs that may be sabotaging the growth of your business and keeping you working too many hours.
  • Create a strategic action plan for the year so you can wake up each day knowing EXACTLY what you need to do to achieve your goals.
  • Optimize your environments to align with your vision in a way that propels you towards it instead of detracting from it.
  • Master your business mindset


We will do all of this with our signature business breakthrough coaching system and the help of a detailed business analysis from our "Business Score" assessment.

Every business is different.

The "Business Score" assessment will reveal EXACTLY what you need to prioritize and the major pitfalls your business is falling into putting a ceiling on your success.

There are 6 major business areas this assessment evaluates and how well you score in each determines your success ceiling and ability to scale.

If you're curious to see your score and how well your business measures up you can take the [Assessment] "What's Your Business Score" here. 

At the end, it will show your score. For a detailed analysis, you will need to apply and be accepted to our business coaching program. 

You will want to APPLY NOW to see if you qualify and to reserve your spot because we take applications on a first come first serve basis. 

Once we have availability, we will contact you to set up a time to go over your application and your "Business Score." 

If you qualify and at the end of the conversation we both feel good about moving forward, we'll go over additional details. 

If not, we may refer you to someone else who would be a better fit for where you're at. 

Your next step is to APPLY for our business coaching program

"Michael and Nicole are integral partners with me in my business as far as planning, strategy, writing my mission, vision and values. They are there every step of the way. I consider them a KEY BUSINESS PARNER and can say my business has improved due to working with them."

Dylan Merriman
Agent, American Family Insurance

Small Business Case Study

An already high performing insurance office of four was struggling with:

  • Employee retention
  • Varying levels of workplace satisfaction, and 
  • Reaching the next level


Results (in one year) 

  • Saved $9,100 per year per employee in lost productivity.
  • Improved workplace satisfaction by 60% in one week and sustained it throughout the year.
  • Improved employee retention by 33%.
  • Client won prestigious  industry awards.



After assessing their business, we found that even though they were already successful there was some unknown personality and communication conflicts occurring putting a ceiling on their performance. 

This was the first ceiling on their performance. 

We promptly created a strategic action plan for team trainings revolving around understanding different personality styles and how to work better with each other, which improve employee satisfaction by 60% in one week and sustained throughout the year. 

Gaining this lost productivity back saved him $9,100 a year per employee. 

Here's the stunning part. Most businesses don't even know they're losing money because they don't know how to spot it.  

Now that they were working better together as a team and began to understand their customers better they won several prestigious industry awards.

In addition, they were able to serve their customers at a higher level resulting in a 600% better client retention over the course of the year when compared to their peers. 

This helped to boost his business because it's cheaper to keep customers than it is to find new ones.  

Next, knowing who he was looking for and what role they should be in was the next ceiling on his business success. 

We found there was a need to clarify roles, responsibilities, and actual business needs.

Before we could do this, we needed to help the owner get clear on what he actually wanted in the form of his unique mission, vision, and values. 

We then helped him integrate this and personality styles into his hiring and onboarding process by developed a scoring system to help with decision making, but that also allowed for his intuition.  

This helped him know exactly who he was looking for and if they would be a good fit for his business. 

Now he could be confident he had the right people in the right seats to scale his business.

As a result, employee retention increased 33% almost immediately and now is not an issue.

Also, this led the owner to understand he needed to make some tough decisions.

The clarity he discovered in our time together revealed some people needed to go. 

He continues to be a client of ours, win awards, and is a top producer in his industry. 

Our business breakthrough coaching process helped to identify the root cause to several pitfalls that were holding him back from reaching the next level. 


What Will Our Coaching Do For You?

Scale Your Business And Turn It Into A Profit Generating Machine

Business Coaching For Service Businesses


Frequently Asked Questions

As professional coaches we adhere to the definitions and practices as set by the International Coach Federation, the gold standard for our industry.


We believe and practice that professional coaching is an, “on-going relationship to help people produce extraordinary results in their lives, career, businesses or organizations.”


Through the coaching process people learn, grow, gain greater self-awareness, improve performance, and quality of life.


A coach can help clients focus to get further faster in achieving their goals. A coach also holds the client accountable for the things they want to accomplish.


A coach’s job is to listen fully, ask powerful questions, offer reflection on what the client is saying, and help a client gain greater focus, clarity, and an awareness of their choices and possibilities.


In coaching we believe the client is whole, creative, and fully capable to come up with their own solutions because they know best what they need and want.


A coach facilitates a process for the client to think, explore, and hold a safe space for clients to come up with the possibilities for their own life. Most people never take time to think these through or to explore what they truly desire.


What coaching is NOT:

  • It is not counseling or looking at past issues.
  • It is not giving advice.
  • It is not having someone tell you what to do.


Our responsibility as a coach is to:

  • Help a client discover, clarify, and align with what you want to achieve.
  • Encourage self-discovery.
  • Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies.
  • Help a client realize where they are at, where they want to be, and identify action steps to get there.
  • Hold the client responsible and accountable.
  • Be a sounding board.
  • Creating supportive, growth-oriented atmosphere.


Coaching is a supportive, creative process.


During each coaching session the conversation is directed by the client, while the coach listens, and contributes their observations, and questions.


The goal is to help the client gain focus and clarity on a specific area, and for the client to clearly identify and understand, the steps they need to take to see results in the area they choose. The client determines if they are willing to do the necessary steps to get from where they are to where they want to be.


A coach can also provide accountability when the client commits to take the necessary action steps.

  • Step 1: Apply for our business coaching program. This keeps your spot in line (first come, first serve basis) and helps us know if you qualify for the service or not.
  • Step 2: Wait for us to contact you to go over your application. If you're a good fit for our program you'll move on to step 3.
  • Step 3: Complete the "Business Score" assessment to reveal potential business pitfalls and assess the 6 major pillars of service-oriented businesses. 
  • Step 4: We take you on as a client, schedule our sessions, and create a plan to address your UNIQUE business needs to scale your business and your profits. 

Coaching is about personal growth and self-discovery. Personal growth is something that happens from the inside out when we are challenged to step outside of our comfort zone. Coaching raises our level of self-awareness. It reveals self-defeating behaviors along with internal belief systems driving our behaviors and results in life.


The purpose of coaching is to empower YOU to learn how to create the life, family, or business of your dreams. Therefore, no one is telling you what to do or how to do it. The primary role of the coach is to facilitate you on the path of self-discovery and clarity.


Coaching will help you to:

  • Determine goals that align with your highest potential and values
  • Create a realistic plan to achieve those goals
  • Discover how you self-sabotage and barriers moving forward
  • Be accountable for achieving goals within a planned time frame. 



Consulting brings the expertise of the consultant into the mix. A consultant offers information, advice, brainstorming, problem solving, and training. A consultant can be a mentor or someone who performs the work for you. Consultants are brought in when you want to accomplish something you do not have the skills or knowledge to do yourself.


Here’s an example:

Let’s say you are a business owner or entrepreneur working on your task plan for next month. A coach might ask, “What tasks are the most important to complete in the next month in order to achieve your monthly goals?” encouraging you to set your own priorities. 

A consultant might say, “Here are a few things you will need to consider in order to achieve your monthly goals,” offering advice based on experience.

We are skilled at both and can give you the best of both worlds in our signature business breakthrough coaching system.

We make sure to give you the choice and to clarify each when we are working together.

You need our coaching if you want help:

  • Organizing your thoughts
  • Improving clarity and direction
  • Overcoming barriers, ruts, patterns, and self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Maintaining high motivation even in the face of difficulties
  • Creating a practical and effective plan
  • Being accountable to follow through

You also need a coach if you feel stuck, have not been able to create sustainable business results, or are feeling overwhelmed and stressed with all the hats you need to wear as a business owner.

Yes, we have fired clients in a limited number of cases and for very specific reasons. We never fire clients without discussing the situation beforehand and giving a chance to remedy the problems. We do our best to qualify people for our coaching services to limit this from happening.

Reasons include:

  • Repeatedly not coming to the session prepared
  • Missing sessions without calling first
  • Habitually coming late to sessions
  • Not taking responsibility for their own decisions
  • Not taking action on their decisions
  • Not paying on time
  • Needing psychotherapy, not coaching or consulting

Yes, you will have a customized coaching action plan based on our Signature Business Breakthrough System, which is a proven, systematic way of achieving results.

We develop a step-by-step action plan together so you can wake up each morning knowing exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.

You will also take our "Business Score" assessment that measures your effectiveness across the 6 pillars of service oriented businesses. 

Your score in each of the pillars determines the ceiling on your business and your ability to scale.

Here's the typical process:

  • Thoroughly understand and assesses your needs or challenge in this season of life.
  • Explore tools/strategies to best help you meet your desired outcomes.
  • Become clear on what success would look like for you in this situation.
  • Prioritize goals and put realistic timeframes on them.
  • Determine how we will know you’ve reached your goal (what can we measure).
  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities for achieving those goals.
  • Uncover potential barriers to your success and plan strategies to overcome and conquer those barriers.

It depends on what you're trying to achieve. We all know change takes time. Our experience demonstrates it takes the average business a minimum of a year to achieve significant, lasting, measurable change.

However, depending on the particular circumstance numerous clients have experienced dramatic insights and results in just a few months. 

Because we do coaching virtually (phone, zoom, etc), we service the United States. Some corporate clients may prefer in-person coaching, which would incur travel and other expenses.

8am  - 5pm central time, Monday – Friday.

However, sometimes those times just won’t work.

Depending on the circumstance, we have met both early morning or late evenings with clients. 

Scale Your Business And Turn It Into A Profit Generating Machine

Business Coaching For Service Businesses